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Excellent panel building in Bishop Auckland
If you need panel building services in County Durham, you can contact Darlington Rewinds today.
Bespoke panel building services
Are you looking for expert panel design and building services? Look no further as you have come to the right place. At Darlington Rewinds we offer top-quality panel building services that adhere to the latest fire and safety standards in the UK. Choose our electronic engineering services for regular maintenance of your electrical panels. We offer our contracting
and LED lighting, as well as our panel building services, to commercial, industrial and agricultural customers. Based in Bishop Auckland we serve all areas of County Durham.

Our panel building services
The panel building services we offer include:
- Cable tray systems
- Panel design and building
- Steel and PVC conduit installations
- Installation of SWA (steel wired armoured) cables
- Single and 3 phase systems including panel boards

If you need expert panel building services in County Durham, call Darlington Rewinds in Bishop Auckland on 01388 537 161 or
07710 142 922
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